6 Incredible Ways Pet-Tech Can Benefit You and Your Pet

In the present era technology is an integral part of every aspect of life. Discussing the impacts that technology has had is another debate, but we can’t deny the fact that it has made life easier. Almost every task can be done quickly in just a few clicks. When we are utilizing the benefits of tech for ourselves, why not use it for the betterment of our pets.

The pet-tech industry is now growing at a higher rate, according to a study conducted by CB Insights; the year 2016 has seen a massive improvement in investments. The core reason for the growth is the increasing awareness of pet-care among people, and the willingness to spend money on it.  Many brands have stepped up in the market and are introducing products that will make your life easy. These are 6 of the fantastic ways how modern tech can benefit you and your cat.

Pet Tracker

You leave the house for a few hours, and when you come back, you can’t find your pet. Cats are even better at it as they discover the most unimaginable hiding spots. You end up frantically running around the house shouting your pet’s name when they are hiding in the corner of the house. In situations like these, you wish for a device that could provide you your pet’s location? You’d instantly know that they are safe and there is no need of worrying.

Well, now there are such GPS devices that can be attached to your pet’s collar and can notify you about your furry friend’s location. You can set up designated boundaries in the app. When your animal may try to go out of the allowable area, the app will immediately notify you.  You can open the map on your cell phone or any other device and find out where exactly your cat is. There are trackers with added features such as ones that can keep track of how many calories your dog/cat has burnt.

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Virtual Pet- Sitters

We have long been using surveillance systems to ensure the security of our houses. We use baby monitors to keep a check on our babies in the other room, why not utilize the same technology to keep an eye on your pets. There are video cameras that you can install around the house. They enable you to supervise your pet from your workplace. Dogs also get bored when their humans aren’t around, so the pet cameras can help you interact with them. It has a two-way sound system, which means you can hear what is happening around the house, and also communicate commands.

If you have a cat, a stationary webcam probably won’t work. For such pets, there are portable cameras that can be attached to the collar. Now you can spend time out of the house without always having to worry about what mischief may be happening back at home.

Automatic Feeder

Leaving a bowl full of food at home isn’t a good option, especially when your pet has the habit of overeating. With automatic feeder machines, you can program the desired quantity of food that it has to dispense. Some models come with electronic scales so you can measure the amount of food quickly, let’s say goodbye to obesity.

Self-Cleaning Litter Box

Now we all love our cats but cleaning the litter box is one difficult chore for us parents. The stinky smell can get unbearable to handle at times, especially if you have to clean multiple litter boxes. But no need to worry anymore as the magical self-cleaning litter box is here to save you the trouble. Once your cat gets done with her business, the machine automatically removes the mess. Afterward, you just have to throw the tray away after a few weeks. Could it get any easier than this?

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Microchip Pet Feeder

If you have many pets at home, then mealtime may seem like an ordeal, especially when one furry member gulps down food of the other one. Well to help our slow movers and to stop the smart eaters, the Microchip pet feeder is the ultimate device. It covers the food with a lid that opens up after detecting signals from the right pet’s collar. It also helps keep the food fresh, protects it from the environmental impurities and is an excellent choice if your pet is on a weight management diet.

Online Shopping

With the increasing popularity of online shopping, you now have the convenience of purchasing everything for your cat in just a few clicks. There are reliable websites that provide pet-related items at your doorstep. It saves you the frequent store visits to fetch food and other necessary products.

And these are not all; many advanced devices are being introduced in the market to cater the needs of pet-parents. So if there is any difficulty that you wish to find a solution for, keep checking the market, and you may see it soon.

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