Why Is Your Cat Drinking More Water Than Usual?

Why Is Your Cat Drinking More Water Than Usual?

Even when summers are over, do you still find your kitty emptying their water bowl too frequently? Is your cat drinking more water than his usual intake? If so, you must be pondering: why is my cat drinking so much? Well, the reason could be anything, from behavioral problem to polyuria, diabetes, or any other…

Hip Dysplasia in Cats

Hip Dysplasia in Cats

In simple words, hip dysplasia is a disorder or malformation of the hip joint. A rare orthopedic disorder in cats, feline hip dysplasia involves the abnormal development and subsequent degeneration of the coxofermoral joint. The progressive failure of the hip joint leads to the deterioration and loss of function of the ball-and-socket joint. Progressive signs…

Cat Scratch Disease: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Cat Scratch Disease: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

A form of bacterial infection, cat scratch fever is caused by Bartonella Henselae bacteria. The cat scratch disease affects humans, who catch it from cats. A scratch, bite, or contact with an infected cat’s saliva doubles your risk of having this the bacterial disease. You can catch the infection if an infected cat licks an…

Why Does Hair Loss in Cats Occur?
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Why Does Hair Loss in Cats Occur?

Is your cat experiencing hair fall? Does the hair loss look alarming? Perhaps those bald skin patches tell that your favorite furry friend is in distress. There are many different causes of hair loss in cats, some of which are serious and can cause irritation and misery for your kitty, while others may be normal….

Parasites in Cats

Parasites in Cats

As compared to other animals, cats are fairly easily infected with a parasitical infestation. Parasites in cats can affect them in numerous ways, from causing a mild irritation to life-threatening problems. Not only this, all parasites can transmit diseases to humans. Timely intervention is crucial to treating a parasitic infestation in cats and keeping your…