Signs Your Cat Is In Pain

When it comes to pets, you want to make sure your furry friend is happy and healthy.Your kitty is an integral member of your family, and her health is crucial for her happiness. But how do you know how she is feeling? How can you tell when she is not having a great time?Identifying whether your cat is in pain may get even more difficult, as most kitties tend to hide their painful symptoms.

Kitty’s Behavior Is a Window to Pain

Perhaps when it is difficult to tell whether your feline friend is up to snuff, you may want to look for behavioral signs that give you more reasons to understand that your kitty is in pain. Remember, most problems are best treated if caught early.

A recent study published in the journal PLOS One investigated signs of pain in cats, entitled “Behavioral Signs of Pain in Cats: An Expert Consensus.

If you notice any sudden changes in your kitty, this may be a sign of your cat is in pain.  The changes may be visible in the following forms.

Loss of Appetite

Is your kitty hiding more and playing less? Does she show signs of lack of appetite? Are there no visible signs of hunger? If so, it is possible that the cat is in pain.  Is your kitty not drinking enough water while still eating well?  Try to feed her wet food, so she gets liquid in some form. A diminished appetite indicates a big problem.

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Restlessness Indicates Cat is in Pain

Is your cat not able to sit in a comfortable position? Is she not able to sit still and get cozy? Your cat may be restless and uncomfortable. And the kitty is in pain.

Undivided Attention on A Specific Part

When a particular spot hurts on a kitty’s body, she tends to give lots of undivided attention there.

Slow Movement Because Cat is in Pain

Is your tabby walking more slowly than normal? Is she trying to avoid jumping up on the bed?She may be suffering in pain that she is trying to hide from you. Check out if your cat is in pain.

Excessive Purring

Cats may purr when in distress and pain. Purring is a powerful biofeedback mechanism that cats use to heal themselves with the use of strong vibrations. You may want to take your furry friend to the vet if she continues to purr.


It may upset you if your normally affectionate kitty bites in response to your affectionate overture. This could be a sign of pain in cats when they show aggression in response to touch.

Watch Her Posture

Is your tabby behaving differently? Does she sprawl over the couch? Does she curl up tightly on the surface? A kitty in distress may assume tensed postures. If you find her in an unusual posture, it may be a sign of pain in the cat.


If your tabby shows an unusual behavior and no longer shows interest in jumping in your lap, it may be a sign of stress and pain.As a pet owner, you may want to take your kitty to a vet if she shows such signs of distress.

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Look in Their Eyes

Does your cat look into your eyes with a pleading look? Do they have saggy sadness lines?Are they spending a lot of time staring far off? If so, they need help.

Overly Lethargic Cat is in Pain

Does your tabby look more lethargic than usual? Cats under duress tend to sleep more than usual while a healthy kitty has a little extra burst of energy all through the day. A cat in distress is less likely to engage in walking, playing, and running around for short periods.

High Breathing Rate

One of the common signs to check if a cat is in pain is your kitty’s high breathing rate. She may exhibit a high rate of breathing around one hundred breaths per minute as opposed to thirty breaths in a minute. Cats in pain may breathe somewhere around one hundred breaths in a minute.

Peeing Outside the Litter Box

Does your fastidious cat seem to be ditching the litter box? Is she peeing everywhere else, except her litter box? Well, the reason could be a cat health issue.An anxious and unhealthy cat might pee elsewhere to relieve her anxiety.

Sitting in A Hunched Up Position

Your cat may start hunching when she is feeling unwell and in pain. Some other similar signs of pain may include loss of interest, withdrawal from the household, and loss of coat shine and luster.

Dilated Eyes

Dilated pupils are a clear indication of pain. Look into your tabby’s eyes. Do the dark centers seem wider? If so, your feline friend may be in discomfort. Pain can be a warning sign for a lot of different feline health conditions, from arthritis to constipation.

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According to the American Animal Hospital Association, other key signs your cat is in pain include exhaustion, aggressiveness, yowling, hiding away, and antsy behavior. If your tabby exhibits any such signs, she may be hurting.

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